Materiales de construcción 






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The origin and development of civilization is always been related directly to the use and evolution of the materials used by the human being. Construction materials have had a great importance in protection from the weather, in the improvement of the transportation conditions and the building of infrastructure.

The first materials that were used were wood and stone. The use of these materials was followed by the beginning of the use of metal tools at the age of bronze and iron. The first use of materials with hydraulic properties dates from the Egyptians. During the construction of pyramids it was common to use plaster; later on, the Greeks and Romans used volcanic ashes mixed with lime to make a material with a better performance. The Romans perfected the use and manufacture of hydraulic mixtures, that became part of the technology used in infrastructure construction.

After Portland Cement was invented in 1824,  the using of materials with hydraulic properties exponentially increased and the utilization of the most common construction material, concrete, spread.

Due to the progress in the manufacturing of steel and the deeper knowledge about the properties of the materials, new types of concrete started to work out: prestressed concrete, fibre-reinforced concrete, high strength concrete, self-compacting.

In the subject "Materiales de Construcción", an ample study of the obtaining, manufacturing, regulation, application and development of the most important materials for Civil Engineers is been done: concrete, cement, steel, ceramic materials, plasters, limes, bituminous materials, wood, plastics, explosives, and composite materials.












2011 - Cátedra de Materiales de Construcción de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Todos los derechos reservados