Publishing Guidelines
All those who are interested in publishing in the Journal
Pensamiento Matemático (Mathematical Thinking) must meet a series of
conditions with the purpose of achieving homogeneity in the publication.1. Papers will be sent to The originals will be sent in an editable format (*.tex, *.doc o *.odt) together with the images included in the article.
2. They will have a maximum of 30 pages including notes, tables, charts, figures and bibliography, and will necessarily be sent in the layout of the pre-established templates. In order to index documents for the optimization in search engines, articles (whenever possible) will contain an abstract of no more than 4-6 lines and a series of keywords.
There are three templates, in the formats MS Word, LaTeX, and OpenOffice Writer, and can be downloaded in a compressed file here

Those who are really interested in our LaTeX Template, can see this Demo Show (in spanish) to understand how it works.
The pictures and/or images attached will have to be of a minimum quality of 150 ppp, and if possible they will have to be vector format images (*.svg, *.eps, pstricks code in LaTeX,...) including, if necessary, a caption under the picture with its name.
3. Considering the international character of the magazine, it is essential that when referring to a certain national educational system, authors specify that one they are referring to, as well as the average age of students when they refer to an educational level. This will help the readers to compare it with their own national educational system.
4. The identification data of the authors must appear in the communication via email which the Publication Committee has pre-established. The following data will have to be indicated: Name, email address, postal address, telephone number and workplace.
5. It is essential that all research papers contain the reference of the bibliography which has been consulted. The layout will be that which has been pre-established in the templates provided in section 2, with the reference in alphabetical order by their authors’ surnames.
6. Upon receipt articles will be subjected to an anonymous assessment process carried out by external assessors. As a result of this, the Publication Committee will decide which paper is to be published, with or without its modifications, or which one is not.
The author will receive the copy-editors’ comments and will be informed about the Publication Committee’s decision. If assessors consider that the paper can be published with modifications, it will be returned to its author with the referees’ observations. The author will have to answer whether s/he agrees on the proposed changes, and commit to send a revised version, indicating the changes which have been done in a period of time no longer than three months. If this period of time is exceeded, the Publication Committee will take for granted that the author does not have the intention of publishing in the Journal.
7. All the approved papers will be published on the website biannually. There is not a limitation in the number of articles per issue. There is not a membership, publication or any other type of cost.
8. The journal papers can be downloaded from the Internet and printed out for personal use; they can also be partially or totally reproduced both in their printed and digital formats for educational and research purposes or personal use as long as it is not for profit or commercial purposes.
Ethical responsibilities
for the publication:
1. Their articles must be original and unpublished. Furthermore, it will not be submitted to any other journal while the revision process lasts and, if it is approved by the Journal, the latter reserves its commercial rights so the article cannot be presented or published in any other journal, book or written or digital publication unless the formal permission are requested at Pensamiento Matemático.
2. Conflict of Interest. The authors are expected to declare any commercial association that can involve a conflict of interests in relation with the submitted article.
3. Authorship. In the list of signer authors must appear only those people who have contributed intellectually to the development of the paper. Having assisted to the gathering of data or participated in some technique, do not count as good enough criteria to be listed as an author. In general, in order to be listed as an author the following requisites must be met:
a) To have
participated in the conception and realization of the paper which has
resulted in the article.
b) To have participated in the writing of the text and its possible revisions.
c) To have approved the version which is finally to be published.
b) To have participated in the writing of the text and its possible revisions.
c) To have approved the version which is finally to be published.
4. The Journal declines any responsibility of possible conflicts derived from the papers’ authorship which are published in it.
5. The Journal is not responsible of the contents of the published articles. Only the author/s are responsible for the nature of the contents presented in them. Pensamiento Matemático declines in them the whole responsibility of their opinions.
6. If any institution has financed the research subjected to publication, its permission is required.
7. It is the author’s responsibility that the texts keep to the legality of every publication as far as copyright is concerned.
8. On including an article in the Pensamiento Matemático (Mathematical Thinking) Journal, the author/s accept its conditions and allows the reproduction of the article on this website.
Plagiarism detection:
Digital preservation policies:
Once the article is approved for its publication in "Mathematical Thought", a letter of authorship, presentation, conflict of interests’ declaration and copyright assignment.
The author/s will send this letter in a file to the journal email address ( The model of the letter can be obtained by clicking here. The author should consider our Publication Ethic Policies, Publication Malpractice Statement and Plagiarism Detection, which can be read in this document.